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October 2013

The Counselor: Yes, It’s Been Bad

Cormac McCarthy is a great writer. Quite a few people share my views on this, and you have only to look at previous works of his like No Country For Old Men and The Road to see how his often bleak, minimalistic style produces some very compelling narratives. With a writer like Cormac McCarthy behind […]

Rush: A Thrilling Ride, Start to Finish

2013 has been a very good year for movies I’ve enjoyed, perhaps thanks in part to me going to the theaters far more often over the course of this year. To pick a favorite among the movies I’ve seen in this year would be extremely difficult, but Ron Howard’s Rush, starring Chris Hemsworth and Daniel […]

Runner Runner: A Winning Hand

We seem to have a great affection for the “crime doesn’t pay” movie in any given generation. Between the mafia, bank robbers, and a whole range of other forms of organized crime, there are a wealth of well-regarded movies that tell the story of a protagonist entering the criminal underworld, being dazzled by its wealth, […]

Don Jon: Turning Romantic Comedy on its Head

It’s always interesting to me when I find an actor I am familiar with in some measure is involving themselves in the film-making process at other ends, such as writing and directing. As such, I took an interest in Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s debut as a writer and director in a feature-length film, Don Jon, both for […]